The best Mondays are the ones where you get to walk into a meeting first time. You know those meetings that are a time to sit down and say the things that need to be said. The meeting where you get to stand up for the things that are right. Where you can lay it all out on the table. Like how could you not want to start your week like that?  

It’s a chance for change. A new turning point. A place of growth. A beginning for saying what’s right.  It’s a great way to start on a Monday.   But why don’t I feel like that?

Because this is going to be the hardest meeting ever.  It’s going to be the first of many to initiate the change. The first of the process to start the change. And the road to change, well it’s going to be a long, slow and bumpy ride. I can feel my stomach already moving all over.

And why will it be so difficult?  Well it will be the first time ever that I won’t have to stomach what I have to say.  This will be the beginning of being honest and telling it how it is.  And with that. I have to hope for the best and that this change will be positive. 

Tomorrow is the day to rip off the tape.